Moving From Psych to CEO

Gain more freedom, create more impact and increase your income so you can do more of the things you love

19th September to 5th December

Are you seeing back to back clients?  Sick of working into the evenings and on weekends? Do you want to have more freedom while creating more income?  If you answered YES to any of these, this program is for you.

You started your practice for freedom, but instead you’ve ended up working harder than ever… sound familiar?

I hear you, this was 100% me until I scaled my practice.

Just a few years ago I was seeing 8-9 clients a day, working into every evening, all weekends and I was absolutely exhausted and relentlessly tired.

I knew I needed to get off the hamster wheel but I wasn’t sure how to make it happen, but I also knew I had to make a change and so I got the help and support I needed to actually make it happen. 

Fast forward to today, my practice is self sufficient and I’ve just come back from a week long hike down the South West Coast of WA in the stunning and peaceful coastal region of Margaret River.

This is exactly why I have now created the perfect program to show you how I created this life myself and a practice that thrives without me.

Join me on the 12 week journey to “Moving from Psych to CEO” where I will show you how to create more freedom, make more impact and increase your income.


“Kerstin is the person who’s willing to take a risk and put herself out there to experience the hard lessons in private practice and then she shares this with other therapists so they can learn from this”

Mel - Psychologist

“I saved time getting support from Kerstin – someone who’s done it all before and it saved me trying to figure out how to scale by myself.”

Donna D - Clinical Psychologist

This mastermind is for you if…

  • You have built your practice and you’re seeing back to back clients, you’re spending evenings and weekends either catching up on admin or trying to expand your practice

  • You’d like to stop seeing back to back clients but are worried about how to replace your income

  • You would  like your freedom back, you’d like to make more impact all the while making more income

  • You’d like to scale your practice and are worried that having staff will be challenge and have no clue where to start

  • You’d like to start and launch your own online program and create a passive income rather than trade more time for money

We’ll cover:

  • How to get out of your own way and address your mindset blocks

  • Create time in your diary and support you to move clients on

  • How to move clients on ethically, with scripts and step by step strategies

  • How to replace your income and then scale

  • How to find good staff

  • Writing ads for hiring

  • Deciding between an employee or contractor

  • Look at your expenses and work out what you can afford to pay staff

  • What needs to go into staff contracts for legal reasons and your own protection

  • How to market your team

  • What policies and procedures you need

This program is mentoring based, so I will be helping you to deal with exact problems you are having in your business. You’ll also have the support of other therapists wanting to achieve the same goals as you. As they say, you are the sum of the people your surround yourself with.

You will also have unlimited access to me on Voxer over these 12 weeks to help you through the stumbling blocks.


  • 12 x 1.5 hour calls so that you have 12 x Zoom recordings which you can watch back anytime

  • A digital workbook so you have lifetime access

  • Unlimited Voxer access to me to help you through the lumps and bumps along the way

Only 5 participants maximum

In the VIP offer I'll show you how to scale your own online program, how to make your idea a reality, develop a lead magnet, market and launch your program.

Includes 5 mentoring sessions with me to launch your online program including – making your idea a reality, developing a lead magnet, marketing and launching.

Only 1 spot available!

VIP Option

Your Investment

We kick off our Mastermind September 19th

Pay in Full



- 1.5 hours weekly group sessions
- Recordings of each session
- Workbook with links and notes
- Unlimited Voxer access to me

Payment Plan


3 x $1100

Monthly payments

- 1.5 hours weekly group sessions
- Recordings of each session
- Workbook with links and notes
- Unlimited Voxer access to me

VIP Option




- 1.5 hours weekly group sessions
- Recordings of each session
- Workbook with links and notes
- Unlimited Voxer access to me
- 5 mentoring sessions to launch your online program


  • Yes, however you will get the most out of the program attending live, as you will receive mentoring on the exact challenges you are facing.

  • For maximum 90 mins/week.

  • There are no guarantees as it will be you that puts the work in. I will give you the tools and support you through the process, but ultimately your input will be the guarantee that you will increase your income.

  • Yes, you’ll have unlimited access to me via Voxer.

  • This program is heavily mentor based and I want to be able to spend the time address each participant’s concerns and also teach all of the elements.

  • Generally yes, but if you need to work out a monthly plan we can also discuss this.

  • No - please think carefully before joining as there are no refunds offered.

  • 19th September to 5th December.

Not sure if this program is for you?